Dead Web Club is changing

Dead Web Club is changing. When we started the project, we had the idea to host and run regular events across the year, however the reality is, that it is not so easy with full-time jobs and postgraduate studies.

Because of this, Kendal will be leaving to focus on her PhD. But rest assured, this is not the end of DWC, things will just be a little different.

We appreciate all the great feedback and encouragment from everyone during our past three events. Thomas will continue to work on the project, but the scale and format of things will change. This is a community based initiative, so if you have any ideas and thoughts for upcoming events, please get in touch, we’re always open. 

In the meantime, you can see more of our personal work at (Thomas) &  @tr0pisms (Kendal) and if you’re in Rotterdam, we welcome you to the V2 Crash Course in Art & Media Technology: Internet Culture X Society which Kendal will be co-curating alongside V2’s Alex Falk this November. Thomas will also be presenting on the topic of web & online communities at one of the sessions of the course!

Kendal & Thomas